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20 stress-relief gifts for the frazzled friend in your life
20 stress-relief gifts for the frazzled friend in your life
How sound helps quiet your mind for meditation
How sound helps quiet your mind for meditation
Your favorite foods may not taste the same in the future. Here's why.
Your favorite foods may not taste the same in the future. Here's why.
The best products for arthritic hands
The best products for arthritic hands
This fungus turns cicadas into zombies who procreate—then die
This fungus turns cicadas into zombies who procreate—then die
When treasure hunters find artifacts, who gets to keep them?
When treasure hunters find artifacts, who gets to keep them?

Secrets of the Octopus

Octopuses are like aliens on Earth: three hearts, blue blood and the ability to squeeze through a space the size of their eyeballs. But there is so much more to these weird and wonderful animals. Intelligent enough to use tools or transform their bodies to mimic other animals and even communicate with different species, the SECRETS OF THE OCTOPUS are more extraordinary than we ever imagined.
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May 2024 Issue

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In This Issue

Zoroastrianism still has fervent followers
Zoroastrianism still has fervent followers
An octopus invited this writer into her tank—and her secret world
An octopus invited this writer into her tank—and her secret world
See how ancient Indigenous artists left their mark
See how ancient Indigenous artists left their mark
This biologist and her rescue dog help protect bears in the Andes
This biologist and her rescue dog help protect bears in the Andes
Done the Camino? Try tackling Japan’s 88-temple Shikoku Trail
Done the Camino? Try tackling Japan’s 88-temple Shikoku Trail
How eating ‘bacon bugs’ helps save lemurs
How eating ‘bacon bugs’ helps save lemurs

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